Join Us


Guiding principles for our members:

  • Use robust actuarial principles when assessing any insurance risk
  • Ensure all your underwriting decisions are objective, unbiased and as evidence based as possible
  • Respect the confidentiality of medical, financial and other sensitive data
  • Comply fully with all laws and regulations
  • Always act with integrity and in a professional manner
  • Promote underwriting within your company and externally by explaining what we do
  • Encourage continuous education and development of all underwriters through all available sources

Joining ELHUA

Benefits for underwriters

Improving your underwriting skills will not only increase your job satisfaction but will also make you more valuable to your employers. A skilled underwriter is able to make more accurate decisions, requires fewer referrals and is often able to make decisions on less evidence than is the case for more junior underwriters.


A better understanding of rating methodology and reason for particular ratings will also increase your confidence and ability to explain decisions to applicants or their representatives.


Benefits for employers

Well trained underwriters are essential for accurate risk assessment and therefore long-term profitability of your insurance company. A good underwriter is able to protect your company in four key ways:

 •Reduction of excessive and unnecessary evidence which not only saves you medical fees but also leads to higher completion rates.

 •Overly conservative ratings which result in lost business are reduced.

 •Underpriced, loss making decisions are reduced.

 •The ability to explain and sell decisions increases agent and client satisfaction and reduces complaints.


Investment in underwriter training is self-financing, with well-trained underwriters being more efficient, they require less counter signing or second opinions on cases, which spreads up assessment time and reduces cost.


How to join

If you would like to join ELHUA or would like to enrol several people, please contact us. Membership cost is 50€

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